Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain

It is increasingly looking like my trip will be happening in the latter half of June through the front half of July. This was a little later than I originally intended, as something I read advised avoiding the summer heat of Spain. Curious about how much heat that would be, exactly, I decided to look for meteorological data about the area and compare that against the same data for where I live.It turns out that the two areas are pretty close in terms of high temperature, and the overnight lows are a bit colder in Spain.

I think I'll be okay.


  1. Also, it looks like the dew point is preferable to Rochester.
    Over the course of a typical July, the dew point typically varies from 43°F (dry) to 54°F (very comfortable) and is rarely below 36°F (dry) or above 59°F (comfortable).
    Over the course of a typical July, the dew point typically varies from 53°F (very comfortable) to 66°F (muggy) and is rarely below 44°F (dry) or above 73°F (very muggy).

    1. That's something I hadn't even looked at! Thanks, Buzz!
